Economic Seminar

Assignments (2017-18)


Your final exam. Secret word will be given in class.

2-hour time limit.

60 M/C + 60 T/F

You've had access to all your prior tests (except for Ch 33/34 because optional retake was available)

You've had access to resources since September


Ch 33/34 Retake


Read all of the following before proceeding:

  • ENTIRELY OPTIONAL. If you choose to not do it, it will not affect your MP4 grade at all
  • No secret word
  • CanNOT save and come back later, so must do in one sitting (plan accordingly)
  • Maximum of TWO attempts
  • 60-minute time limit per attempt
  • Most recent attempt prevails (NOT higher score)
  • 50 points in MP4
  • Must be completed before 11:00pm on Sunday,
    June 17th
    ; if you are still working at that time, Quia MAY auto-submit (or just cut you off), so plan accordingly

Final Exam is in D215 at 7:15am on Monday, June 18, 2018


Big test on Ch 33/34 (one side of one page of handwritten notes).


Remaining meetings:

  1. 07Jun  Game Theory (activity)
  2. 11Jun  Final Exam Prep
  3. 12Jun  Final Exam Prep
  4. 18Jun  FINAL EXAM (7:15am)

Your final exam is 120 questions on the following chapters/topics. The questions tend to more general than what you're accustomed to. See prior post (28May) regarding the inconvenience and risk of not taking it at the assigned time.

  • Chapter 1: Ten Principles of Economics 
  • Chapter 2: Thinking Like an Economist 
  • Chapter 3: Interdependence & Gains from Trade 
  • Chapter 4: The Market Forces of Supply & Demand 
  • Chapter 6: Supply, Demand, & Government Policies 
  • Chapter 23: Measuring a Nation’s Income 
  • Chapter 24: Measuring the Cost of Living
  • Chapter 25: Production & Growth 
  • Chapter 26: Saving, Investment, & the Financial System 
  • Chapter 28: Unemployment 
  • Chapter 29: The Monetary System 
  • Chapter 30: Monetary Growth & Inflation 
  • Chapter 33: Aggregate Demand & Aggregate Supply 
  • Chapter 34: The Influence of Monetary & Fiscal Policy on Aggregate Demand

I will "open up" your previous tests for prep purposes; you will be able to access them via Quia login.


Expect one more in-class lesson/activity on Game Theory (should be interesting/fun).


Student-directed prep for upcoming [100-point] Ch 33/34 test and final exam (which is @ 7:15am on Monday, June 18th, in D215).

FINAL EXAMS & GRADUATION (posted 28May2018)

1) Taking the final exam is REQUIRED for ALL students in Economics, unless you (a) are a senior (b) who has earned 90 or higher, unweighted, for all 4 marking periods.


2) Final exam is NO NOTES, NO ELECTRONICS, and NO TALKING. Violating these rules and/or causing ANY disruption of the testing environment will be considered refusal to take the exam, in which case (a) security will be called, (b) your grade-level Dean and Assistant Principal will be notified, and (c) your parent/guardian will be contacted. I would not bet on your AP allowing you to make up the exam, so carefully consider your decisions/choices, especially for those of you who need this class to graduate.


3) If you don't show up for the final exam, It is YOUR responsibility to contact me to arrange the makeup time/date/location.


4) If you're wondering what you need on the final exam to earn a D, C, B, or A in the course, look under COURSE GRADES on the Grading Policy page for a link to a Google Sheet that will do the math for you.


"Make-up exams are permitted when extenuating circumstances prevent a student from taking the regularly scheduled exam. A request stating the circumstances concerning missed exams must be made to the appropriate grade level assistant principal. Approval to take a make-up exam will then be determined by the appropriate grade level assistant principal. This request must be made within two days after the administering of the regularly scheduled exam. Written requests should include a statement of the extenuating circumstances, a doctor’s note and/or other supporting documentation."   

SOURCE: 2017-18 PHS Student Handbook, p22


By now you should:

  • Be well on your way to completing the Study Guide for Ch 34 (distributed in class on 22May),
  • Have read ch 34,
  • Have taken copious notes on Ch 34, and
  • Having done the above, have developed a list of questions/comments for Ch 34

Test date for Ch 33/34 should be set by mid-week (it won't be this Thursday or Friday, I can guarantee). Remember, it will count double since it's on two chapters and you may bring a single sheet of handwritten notes (see 21May).


Work on EverFi and/or Ch 34...nothing else, please.


Chapter Test:

Your final test based on the text will be on both Chapters 33 and 34 (date TBD) and count double (100 pts vs 50 pts). You may bring a single 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper with your own, original, handwritten notes on them for this test.


I strongly recommend the Resources page, which has new items. Do check it out.


Financial Literacy

Since this class counts toward your financial literacy graduation requirement, you will complete the multimedia EverFi financial literacy program. Some class time may be provided, but don't rely on it; do this on your own (works on any device). 

  1. If you have an EverFi account, go to and log in.
  2. If not, go to
  3. Enter class code: f6a6a0f7
  4. Complete survey


  • Each group of 3 modules = 17 points (so all 9 = 51 points, which = one "regular" Chapter test)
  • Max of 2 attempts at post-test (higher score prevails)
  • NO EXTENSIONS so don't wait until last minute

Due dates (NO EXTENSIONS!):

  Modules 1,2,3: Monday, May 28th @ 11:59pm

  Modules 4,5,6: Monday, June 4th @ 11:59pm

  Modules 7,8,9: Monday, June 11th @ 11:59pm


Need Help?

See EverFi section at bottom of this page for tips, support, etc.


Happy Mother's Day!

A couple of you have commented on how helpful the Resources are (and, not surprisingly, they are doing quite well in the course). Only you can decide if the benefits outweigh the costs.



I am considering AP exams while determining the date of your Ch 33 test.


NEWS: Expect to do some Personal Finance before year-end.


Chapter 33: Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply

Since homework interferes with work, AP exam prep, sports, social, prom, and other activities, the only grades going forward will be Chapter Tests (and the final exam, of course). In-class activities are still subject to grading.


Ch 30 test is next class, after about 35m of review/Q&A.


Happy Earth Day! 

Per the Remind I sent, please read and take copious notes on the following article:


I reserve the "right" to look at, evaluate, grade, etc., any assignment - entirely at my discretion. As you should realize by now, everything I give you is to help you gain a stronger mastery of topics we cover; I don't do "busy work."


You have the entire period to:

  • Read & take copious notes on the entire chapter 30.
  • Access/use resources such as ACDC (see Resources page) to enhance your notes and understanding.
  • Work on Study Guide (due next class).
  • You may have an assessment and/or notes check, etc., when we next meet, so use class time productively (start by putting the phones on airplane mode).


Chapter 29 test


9 of the 14 of you were out last week, so you get one more class to finish the chapter and study guide. Make good choices.


Plan below (for rest of week) is still in effect. Plan accordingly.

05- and 06-Apr-2018

You should complete Study Guide, reading chapter, taking notes on chapter, identifying "problem areas", do ?s at end of chapter, and use Clifford and other videos/online resources. Test is late next week, so plan accordingly.



T 10Apr: PREP day

W 11Apr: ACTIVITY day

F 13Apr: Ch 29 TEST


Ch 29 Study Guides were distributed; they're due the 1st time we meet after break (11-Apr, I believe). 


Time to take your medicine


Ch 28 test is on Friday (23-Mar)


By now you should have read Ch 28, taken detailed notes, noted vocab, and started writing down questions you have. We'll do the PPT in class.


Ch 26 MAKE-UP (single attempt only; averaged w/1st attempt)


Ch 26 Test


Ch 25 Test


Ch 25 test on MONDAY.

I thought today's "review" went well; I hope it helps. In college, you'll do your own reviews, so if you're already determining key topics and working with that, you're ahead of the game.


  1. Study Guide should be long completed.
  2. Ch 24 post-mortem assignment will be distributed in class. Work alone or in pairs & complete it. Due next class.


Ch 24 Test


Ch 23 Test


Ch 23 test on Thursday, January 4, 2018 (second day we're back and an 'A' day). In the meantime, ACDC videos, Study Guide, ?s at end of chapter. I expect great things of you?


Read all of Ch 23. Take copious notes.


Chapter 6 test


As discussed last week, your review day is Monday, Dec 11th, and the test on Ch 6 will be administered on Tuesday, Dec 12th. You should bring questions to class on Monday (i.e., topics that you had trouble with in Study Guide or end-of-chapter ?s). 


  • Read Macroeconomics: Supply, Demand and Elasticity, including links/videos at bottom (below ads). Elasticity will be discussed (it's usually in Microeconomics, but you need to know the fundamentals of what it is).
  • Read Ch 6 (that's not a typo, we're not doing 5 at this time), take copious notes, start Study Guide (in cubby of small table).


Chapter 4 test.


Chapter 4 test will be Monday (27Nov).


  • Expect an assessment next week.
  • You should have read Ch 4 a while ago, completed the Study Guide (no one had a single question), and worked on the problems at the end of the chapter (1 of you did that when assigned).
  1. Today you will take the Economic IQ test (use computer, NOT phone) at the bottom of the Resources page. You MAY use notes/Internet. You should record your results (printout, photo, etc.) for my review.
  2. You will read the sole article under Ch 4 on the Resources page, and take notes.
  3. You will then use the remainder of the class and the weekend to do Mr Clifford's practice problems here.
  4. Expect an assessment next week.

31-Oct-2017 (A day)

  • Great activity last Friday (I will award EC as promised)!
  • Some interesting choices made yesterday re: using class time and resources to prep for Ch 3 test...ummm, ok?
  • Ch 3 test


For EVERY topic/chapter, you should be using the Resources provided (and those you find on your own) to augment class discussion. A few minutes watching 2-3 videos can make a world of difference. 


View and take notes on the remainder of the PPT for Ch 3.

20-Oct-2017 (A day)

Ch 2 Test

HW: Read and take copious, organized notes on Ch 3 (due Tuesday)


NO SCHOOL - Happy Diwali!


PPF Activity: Conclusion

Straight vs "bowed" - what's the difference, and why?

Hint on chapter test: know PPF and circular flow really well; I'd re-view the Clifford videos on those topics (he's under ACDCLeadership on YouTube)


Thanks to the whacky schedule this week, we're gonna go backwards a bit: for Ch2 test

MONDAY...PPF Activity that's been postponed/delayed


The Ch 2 test will be the day following the conclusion of the PPF activity.



Work on Study Guide (due MONDAY).

Complete viewing PPT presentation (see link on Resources page)


Next week we will do an activity on PPF, then review, then Ch 2 test.


Chapter 1 test

HW: Answer question in notebook based on your initials...

  1. How does the study of economics depend upon the phenomenon of scarcity? YC, AF
  2. One tradeoff society faces is between efficiency and equality. Define each term. If the U.S. government redistributes income from the rich to the poor, explain how this action affects equality as well as efficiency in the economy. NG, MH, AJ
  3. Define opportunity cost. What is the opportunity cost to you of attending college? What was your opportunity cost of coming to class today? SK, IM
  4. With the understanding that people respond to incentives, outline the possible outcome for teachers if the K-12 school year is extended to 11 months per year instead of the existing 9 months per year. FM, SN
  5. Under what conditions might government intervention in a market economy improve the economy’s performance? MP, RP, ZP
  6. Explain how an attempt by the government to lower inflation could cause unemployment to increase in the short-run. GR, KS, RT


Read and take brief notes on this article: Was Delta Really Price Gouging? (this was sent via Remind on Sunday, Sept 10th).


Read Ch 1 in text. Take notes (be prepared to show). In addition, write down things like: What was interesting in the chapter? Anything make you more curious? What questions do you have?
See you Tuesday; have a good weekend.


Welcome back!


Texts will be distributed in the next few days.


You have two GRADED assignments due by 11:59pm tonight:

Register for Remind (should take under 1 minute): 

  1. Click this link or text @econfy1718 to 81010. 
  2. Complete this survey by 8:00pm (should take under 10 minutes) on 06Sep.