Web Pages

Web Design is a semester-long, hands-on, project-based class, though there are some conventional assessments that focus on best practices, vocabulary, etc.


Marking Period 1

  • History of computers & related technology
  • History of the Internet/Web fundamentals
  • HTML
    Editors | Elements | Attributes | Headings | Paragraphs
    Styles | Formatting | Quotations | Comments | Colors
    CSS | Links | Images | Tables | Lists | Name/ID
  • Short projects where students will show they can code using the above components of HTML
  • Interwoven with the above:
    SEO basics | Validating code | Accessibility issues


Marking Period 2


The second marking periods focuses on the use of Adobe Dreamweaver CS6, which is a professional-grade, proprietary web development application. This marking period is almost entirely project-oriented.


Throughout the class, current events in technology & business will be discussed. 


The class concludes with a final exam and a final project, both of which are cumulative. 


Given the technical nature of the class and the diverse student cohort, copious class time is provided to complete all assignments. Missing and late assignments due to poor use of class time are detrimental to learning and grades.


HTML 5 is official!


Extra help is available in D215:

  • Before school 7:00 - 7:10am
  • During HR1/Lunch1
  • After school most Mondays
  • After school most Wednesdays
  • By appointment

Please confirm before coming to ensure I don't have a meeting or other appointment. Thank you.