High School Heroes


  • We need a few more VOLUNTEERS for a field trip on Friday, Nov 17th to MLK school to teach Personal Finance.
  • We need about 47 people and right now we have 38-42 or so.
  • IF you are one of the volunteers who helps fill this gap, you will receive 2 points added to your MP1 average (that's like 10 pts on a test) .
  • However, if we fill up (can't take more than the bus will hold) but you got your forms in by the deadlines, I will add 1 point to your MP1 Class Comportment grade AND you will have priority for future trips (e.g., Arbor School) if you choose to go.


Here's what you need to do, assuming you are interested:

  1. Visit this site to see what HSH is about. Watch the short videos at the bottom of the page. 
  2. Still interested? Go here and print out the two forms.
  3. Hand in properly completed and signed "Parent" form  TOMORROW (it takes under a minute to do), to me (in my hands, not on my black-hole-of-a-desk), by 7:10am in D215.
  4. Hand in properly completed and signed "Teacher" form by Tuesday at 2pm in D215.
  5. You MUST attend brief training in HR1 (D215) by Tuesday and watch two videos over this coming weekend (I'll provide links).

Priority will be determined by who completes the requirements first. Again, once we run out of space, that's it.


Email me w/any questions.


Thanks for your interest!!